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How Marcus Moore Represents Maryland’s Best

Marcus Moore, in spite of his autism, has grown to become a successful entrepreneur. His journey is one that inspires many, illustrating how determination and passion can lead to remarkable achievements. He started Moore Crunch Pretzels, a business that has expanded from Annapolis, and he continues to thrive in an industry that often overlooks individuals with disabilities.

Moore’s story is particularly compelling because he launched his enterprise after facing challenges in traditional employment. He was overlooked for leadership roles at his job, prompting him to take matters into his own hands and create a venture that showcased his unique talents and creativity. “People coming up to me, saying pretzels are delicious,” Moore said. “It’s just amazing.” His entrepreneurial spirit reflects the essence of a Maryland entrepreneur—driven, innovative, and resilient.

Since WJZ first featured Moore, he said business has been booming. His success has garnered attention and recognition, culminating in a recent honor from the state. On Tuesday, he was awarded a Governor’s Citation, with Maryland Gov. Wes Moore personally paying tribute to him. “Let me tell you, those are some really good pretzels,” Gov. Moore said. “And I love Marcus. I love his story and what he represents to the state of Maryland, but I’ve got to tell you, I also love those Maryland crab pretzels too.” This heartfelt acknowledgment highlights the significance of Moore’s achievements not just for himself but for the broader community.

In March, WJZ introduced viewers to Moore, the CEO of Moore Crunch Pretzels, emphasizing his role as a beacon of hope for those with autism. His dedication to his craft and his ability to connect with customers have contributed to his rapid growth. “When I started, it was great starting small, but I’ve grown big ever since,” Moore said. “I didn’t know it would grow this fast.” This rapid expansion is a testament to his hard work and the quality of his product.

Currently, Moore sells his pretzels at various locations, including the Crofton Farmers Market, Eddie’s, and Fells Point Farmers Market. His pretzels have gained a loyal following, and as demand increases, so does his commitment to quality and service. He had to put Gov. Moore on a waitlist, highlighting the overwhelming response to his products.

On the day of the Governor’s Citation, Gov. Moore invited autism advocates and legislators to Annapolis to elevate an important message of acceptance and self-empowerment. “This is a celebration about what makes our state so special,” Gov. Moore said. “Our state will grow and thrive when we know that we are going to be accepting and we know that we are going to be a state that will find talent everywhere that it is.” His words resonate deeply, emphasizing the need for inclusivity and the recognition of diverse talents within the community.

Gov. Moore said Marcus Moore “represents Maryland’s best.” He believes that for the state to grow and succeed, it is vital for all individuals to be recognized and provided with opportunities to thrive. “In order for our state to grow and win, all of us must be seen,” Gov. Moore said. “All of us must be given a chance to grow and contribute. All of us must be given a chance to unleash our dreams.” This sentiment captures the essence of what it means to empower individuals with autism and other disabilities.

Moore’s achievements serve as an inspiring example of what can be accomplished with determination and support. “This community needs to not just be seen and lifted up, but they make our state better,” Gov. Moore said. “Our state needs to lift them up and celebrate them.” His call to action reinforces the importance of supporting local entrepreneurs and fostering an inclusive environment where everyone has the chance to succeed.

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At Hello ABA, we are dedicated to providing top-notch autism programs in Maryland that empower individuals and families. Our experienced team understands the unique challenges and strengths of those on the autism spectrum, and we tailor our programs to meet their specific needs. We believe that with the right support and resources, everyone can thrive and reach their full potential. If you’re looking for effective autism programs in Maryland, contact us today to learn how we can help you and your family. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those with autism.