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Adult Autism Treatment: What’s the Best Approach?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often associated with childhood, but it’s crucial to understand that autism is a lifelong condition. While many individuals with autism exhibit significant improvements as they age, challenges can persist or emerge. This raises the question: What is the most effective approach to treating autism in adults?

adult autism treatment

Embracing Neurodiversity

The traditional medical and psychological models often view autism as a disorder that requires treatment, which represents an ableist perspective that autistic people are somehow inferior to neurotypical people. However, the neurodiversity paradigm recognizes that autism is a natural variation of human neurology. 

Embracing neurodiversity means accepting and valuing the differences that individuals with autism bring to the world. By embracing neurodiversity in adult autism treatment, therapy focuses on empowering individuals to understand and appreciate their strengths, talents, and unique perspectives.

Seeking Individualized Support

Autism is a spectrum, and the experiences and needs of individuals with autism can vary greatly. Some autistic adults are fully independent and lead fairly typical lives, with only a few instances of challenge. Others may require more support and assistance in various aspects of their daily lives.

When seeking adult autism treatment, it is crucial to consider individualized support tailored to the specific needs of each person. This may include a combination of therapies, interventions, and support services that address the unique challenges and strengths of the individual.

Therapies commonly used in adult autism treatment include cognitive therapy, verbal therapy, and behavioral therapy approaches. Cognitive therapy helps individuals develop strategies for managing emotions, problem-solving, and improving executive functioning skills. 

Verbal therapy, on the other hand, focuses on enhancing communication and social skills. Behavioral therapy approaches, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA), may also be utilized, although it is important to note that ABA has been a subject of controversy within the autism community.

adult autism treatment

Available Therapy Options

There are various therapy options available that can help individuals navigate the challenges they may face. Two commonly used therapies for adults with autism are cognitive and verbal therapy, as well as behavioral therapy approaches.

Cognitive and Verbal Therapy for Adults with Autism

Cognitive and verbal therapy aims to enhance cognitive functioning, communication skills, and social interactions. They utilize various techniques to address the specific needs of each individual. These may include:

adult autism treatment

Behavioral Therapy Approaches

Behavioral therapy approaches, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), are widely used in the treatment of autism. These therapies focus on modifying and shaping behaviors to improve functioning and reduce challenging behaviors.

In ABA therapy, desired behaviors are reinforced with positive reinforcement and skills are broken down into smaller, more manageable steps. Self-stimulatory behaviors and other behaviors that could interfere with day-to-day functioning are also addressed.

Therapists collaborate closely with patients to establish clear objectives and customized care regimens. They put into practice techniques that assist people in developing new abilities, enhancing adaptive behaviors, and minimizing problematic behaviors.

Nutrition and Health for Autistic Adults

Moreover, nutrition and overall health play a crucial role. A nutritious diet and proper management of overall health can greatly impact their quality of life. Let’s explore the benefits of a nutritious diet and how to effectively manage their overall health.

Nutritious Diet Benefits

A nutritious diet can provide a range of benefits for autistic adults. It can help protect against illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. By incorporating a balanced diet, autistic adults can experience improved well-being and potentially manage certain symptoms associated with autism.

Here are some key components of a nutritious diet for autistic adults:

Food Group


Fruits and Vegetables

Provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and brain function.

Whole Grains

Rich in fiber and nutrients, they promote healthy digestion and sustained energy levels.

Lean Proteins

Essential for muscle development and repair, as well as the production of neurotransmitters.

Healthy Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids found in sources like fatty fish, nuts, and seeds support brain health and cognitive function.


Staying well-hydrated is important for overall health and can help with digestion and concentration.

adult autism treatment

Managing Overall Health

In addition to a nutritious diet, managing overall health is vital for autistic adults. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  1. Regular Medical Check-ups: Regular visits to healthcare professionals can help monitor and address any potential health concerns. These check-ups can include assessments of physical health, mental well-being, and any specific needs related to autism.
  2. Physical Activity: Engaging in regular physical activity can have numerous benefits for autistic adults. Exercise not only supports physical health but also promotes mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety. Finding activities that are enjoyable and suitable for individual abilities is essential.
  3. Sleep Quality: Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. Establishing a consistent sleep routine and creating a comfortable sleep environment can support better sleep quality for autistic adults.
  4. Stress Management: Stress can occasionally be elevated in people with autism. Reducing stress and enhancing emotional well-being can be achieved by putting stress management strategies into practice, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, or hobby participation.
  5. Social Connections: Nurturing social connections is important for mental health. Autistic adults can benefit from maintaining relationships with family, friends, and support networks. Engaging in activities or joining groups that align with their interests can facilitate social interaction.

Nurturing a nutritious diet and managing overall health are integral components of effective adult autism treatment. Through proper nutrition and attention to overall well-being, we can strive to improve the lives of autistic adults and support their journey towards a healthier and happier future.

Importance of Proper Diagnosis

Proper diagnosis also plays a crucial role in understanding and addressing the unique needs of individuals on the autism spectrum. In this section, we will explore the process of diagnosing autism in adults and the benefits that come with an ASD diagnosis.

Diagnosing Autism in Adults

Regardless of age, there are no specific medical tests for ASD, unlike certain other medical conditions. Usually, the diagnosis is made using professional assessments and behavioral observations. When conducting assessments, psychologists frequently utilize the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2).

Diagnosing autism in adults can be especially challenging, as the diagnostic measures were originally developed based on how autism presents in young boys. This can make it more difficult to detect autism in adults, particularly in individuals with less common presentations or in young girls who may have been undiagnosed during childhood.

adult autism treatment

Benefits of ASD Diagnosis

Receiving an ASD diagnosis as an adult can have significant benefits for individuals on the autism spectrum. It can lead to a greater understanding of oneself, including strengths and challenges. An ASD diagnosis provides a framework for seeking appropriate supports and interventions tailored to the individual’s needs.

For many adults, an ASD diagnosis offers a different perspective on their childhood experiences. It can shed light on why certain difficulties were present and help individuals make sense of their past. This understanding can provide a sense of relief, allowing individuals to move forward with a greater sense of self-acceptance.

An ASD diagnosis also opens up opportunities for accessing specialized services designed specifically for autistic individuals. With a diagnosis, individuals can work with therapists and professionals who have expertise in autism and can tailor interventions to address specific areas of difficulty, such as social interactions and sensitivities.

Hello ABA offers high-quality ABA services in Maryland. Since each child is unique, we collaborate closely with families to develop individualized treatment plans that specifically address their needs and objectives. Our skilled staff is dedicated to offering the best possible care in a comforting and encouraging setting. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child reach their full potential!