Who We Are

We offer personalized support to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.

Our team of BCBAs and registered behavior technicians works alongside families, following a trauma-informed and strength-based model of ABA that is rooted in compassionate care.  Our goal is to help your child live their very best life, providing them with the tools they need to thrive across a range of settings.

We recognize the incredible level of trust you put in us, and we promise never to take that for granted. We take immense pride in the quality and integrity of our services, ensuring that our staff follow a strict ethical and moral code when helping your child reach their goals.

We are here to support your family every step of the way. With your values as our guide, we will help you through the assessments, treatment planning, direct-service assignments, community involvement, and the IEP/504 process.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is an evidence-based approach that focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors while reducing unwanted ones. ABA therapists, known as BCBAs, use personalized treatment plans and techniques like positive reinforcement to help individuals learn and practice new skills. It’s particularly effective for those with autism, developmental disabilities, and various behavioral challenges, improving their quality of life and life skills.

Our therapists, together with the family, identify specific challenging behaviors and skill deficits. We then create a custom treatment plan to promote desired behaviors, reduce challenging ones, and teach new skills.

ABA therapy aims to maximize a child’s strengths by teaching them functional skills to replace maladaptive behaviors.

Our therapists, together with the family, identify specific challenging behaviors and skill deficits. We create custom treatment plans to promote desired behaviors,reduce challenging ones, and teach new skills.

ABA therapy has been used for decades to achieve lasting behavioral change.

Whether your child struggles with communication, classroom behavior, functional living skills, or social interactions, we are here to help.

Our therapists focus on making day-to-day life easier and more fulfilling for your whole family by developing your child’s essential skills in the following areas:

We use preventative strategies to decrease the likelihood of negative behaviors and address potential environmental triggers. Additionally, we teach appropriate communication techniques, use visuals to indicate what’s expected, and reinforce the desired behaviors with various reward systems (like verbal praise and token boards).

We believe all behavior is a form of communication. Our therapists improve your child’s language development and teach effective communication techniques to help them express themselves.

We first work to expand your child’s receptive and expressive vocabulary so they can functionally communicate their wants and needs. To do so, we teach your child to identify, label, match, and sort items in their environment.

After covering the language basics, we move on to more complex language by increasing the length of sentences and asking questions that require more elaborate answers.

Conversation etiquette and social skills come next. We practice back-and-forth conversations, reading body language, and identifying appropriate responses in different settings.

From bathing to cooking, we help your child achieve greater independence in activities of daily living.

We help your child learn the skills to maximize independence at home, school, and in the community. We break down tasks like getting dressed, brushing teeth, and washing hands into easily manageable steps. Building on smaller achievable skills help improve confidence as your child learns to care for themselves without assistance.

The ability to make social connections and develop friendships contributes to your child’s sense of safety, fulfillment, and happiness.

Our therapists teach your child the skills to build relationships by helping them understand verbal and non-verbal social cues, turn-taking, conversation skills, and teamwork. `

Once the foundation is set, we focus on high-level concepts like self-awareness, self-management, and perspective-sharing.

Reach out to us via email or phone to discuss your concerns. We’re eager to guide you through the next steps.

Based on the information you provide, we assess each child’s strengths and areas for growth using evidence-based methods.

We compile assessment results and send a detailed report to your insurance provider to get approval for your child’s therapy sessions.

Our therapists work with you to set specific, measurable, and achievable goals that align with your child’s needs. A personalized treatment plan to be created and shared with you.

We use evidence-based strategies like positive reinforcement and shaping to build upon your child’s strengths, encourage desired behaviors, and support areas of growth

We keep track of your child’s behavioral patterns through regular feedback and data analysis, adapting our approach as needed. Every milestone, big or small, gets celebrated along the way.

We ensure the skills your child learns in therapy are not temporary but applicable in various situations for long-term benefit.

At Hello ABA, our core values form the foundation of everything we do. We are committed to promoting compassion, integrity, and respect in every interaction with our clients and their families. We believe in the power of evidence-based practices to create positive, lasting change, and we continuously strive for excellence and innovation in our approach to ABA therapy. Our unwavering dedication to improving the lives of those we serve drives us to provide the highest standard of care, always focusing on individualized, all-inclusive support.

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Contact us, and we’ll arrange therapy sessions at times that are most convenient for you and your family.